Filling Gaps and Dodging Traps: Leveraging Untapped Potential in Gene Expression Data for Drug Discovery with Applications to Cystic Fibrosis

作者: Rachel Hodos



摘要: We live in the age of information, and the fields of medicine and biology are no exception. Data surrounding drugs, genes, diseases, and more are accumulating at ever-increasing rates and contain untold potential to accelerate and inform drug development in new ways. Gene expression data, in particular, has a proven capacity to enable deep quantitative and qualitative insights that can help us elucidate the biology of a drug’s effects on the human body, or the pathophysiology of a disease, or even the potential for a drug to treat a disease. In recent years, gene expression data has accumulated to number in the millions of experiments, much of which has been made publicly available. Hence, a key challenge and opportunity now lies in identifying ways to integrate across such data to enable hypotheses and insights that may not have been apparent within the limited context of a single dataset or experiment.
