Уникальная находка ископаемых останков беркута времени раннего верхнего палеолита в Крыму

作者: ГГ Гаврись , СЮ Тайкова , ЮЭ Демиденко



摘要: The Golden Eagle remains (208 bone fragments) were found during the excavations of the multilayer site of ancient human in Buran-Kaya III grotto (the Eastern Crimea) in 1996, 1997, 2001. All fragments have been located in the single excavation square 9-B of Level C dated to Early Upper Paleolithic period, ca. 36 000 years ago uncalibrated. Almost all bones from the Golden Eagle’s complete skeleton, except of foot bones with toes and claws, as well as bill, are present. Difference in size between the fossil and modern Golden Eagle was not found. In general, the discussing bird discovery is the unique phenomenon for paleoornithology. Probably, this bird has been used in religious (cult) purposes and specially buried after its death. Feet and a beak could be withdrawal for ritual ceremonies. New 2001 excavations at Buran-Kaya III partially confirm the cult use of this rock-shelter in Early Upper Paleolithic period where numerous remains of Homo sapiens (dominantly the fragments of skulls and teeth) have been found in level 6–1.Первичная информация о находке плейстоценового беркута во время раскопок многослойной стоянки древнего человека в гроте Буран-Кая III была опубликована в монографии «The Middle Paleolithic and Early Upper Paleolithic of Eastern Crimea»[16]. Учитывая, что в настоящее время имеются новые факты, а также то, что упомянутая монография практически недоступна орнитологам Восточной Европы и Северной Азии, назрела необходимость публикации ее в специальном тематическом сборнике.
