Evaluation of three types of tillage in potato cultivation (Solannum tuberosum)

作者: Marvin Villalobos Araya , Isabel Guzman Arias , Cristian Zuniga Pereira



摘要: The present article reveals the results obtained in a project of investigation developed to submit to evaluation the potato's production using different types of tillage of soil. The localities chosen for the execution of the investigation are two estates located in the zone North of Carthage, Costa Rica. One of them is located in Llano Grande and other one in Guarumos of Alvarado, each one belonging to different producers, who were at the expense of the managing of the culture during the whole cycle. To analyze the production an experimental design was in use in complete blocks at random with three treatments corresponding to the method of tillage and three repetitions for each of them. The experimental unit was constituted by a subplot of 5 m x 5 m, located in the center of every plot of treatment. Yield measured up in the production of potato, obtaining major values in the plots prepared with the implement so called …
