Ultrasonic activation of the endodontic sealer enhances its intratubular penetration and bond strength to irradiated root dentin

作者: Luana Duart Jordani , Amanda Freitas da Rosa , Luiz Carlos de Lima Dias-Junior , Julia Menezes Savaris , Mariana Comparotto Minamisako



摘要: To evaluate the effect of ultrasonic activation of the endodontic sealer on its intratubular penetration and bond strength to irradiated root dentin. Forty human teeth were distributed into 4 groups (n = 10), according to the radiation therapy (RT) exposure—70 Gy—and ultrasonic activation (UA) of the endodontic sealer: RT/UA—irradiated teeth and sealer UA; RT/no-UA—irradiated teeth and no sealer UA; no-RT/UA—non-irradiated teeth and sealer UA and no-RT/no-UA—non-irradiated teeth and no sealer UA. Push-out bond strength test was performed in a Universal Testing Machine. Failure modes and adhesive interface were analyzed under Scanning Electron Microscopy. The data were statistically compared (two-way-ANOVA and posthoc Games-Howell test; Fisher’s exact test − α = 5%). The different experimental conditions (radiation and UA) and the root third had a significant effect on push-out bond …
