Construction and implementation of a medicinal garden: a university extension project

作者: Marcio Rossato Badke , Daiana Cristina Wickert , Gabriela Oliveira , Jordana Lima da Silva , Hentielle Feksa Lima



摘要: Objective: To report experience in the process of constructing and implementing a medicinal garden for the maintenance and health care of a community. Synthesis of data: This was an experience report from the development of a university extension project entitled “Learning Space-the medicinal clock of the human body” developed in the neighborhood of a municipality in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Community members, professionals from the fields of Nursing, Biology, Agronomy, and Landscaping, Nursing students, high school students and scholarship students from a higher education institution took part in the project. The activities were conducted from April to December 2017 and 2018. The clock was developed in a public territory of the community, consisting of 26 medicinal plants subdivided into 12 flowerbeds and central space, and cultivated two medicinal plants in each of them. Each of these divisions corresponds to the energetic peak of an organ of the human body, following a cycle, except the center, which is the epithelial tissue, which is an adaptation. Conclusion: The achievement of the project provided the opportunity to rescue and value the use of medicinal plants among teachers, students, and the community, contributing to shared care and promoting the health of all.Descriptors: Complementary Therapies; Plants, Medicinal; Health Promotion.
