作者: Ariel Michelman-Ribeiro , Ralph Nossal , Ryan Morris , Sarah Lange , Chein-Shiu Kuo
摘要: We have used small-angle light-scattering (SALS), microscopy, and measurements to study structural changes produced in unbuffered agarose gels as ions migrate under applied electric fields . Anisotropic, bowtielike, light-scattering patterns were observed, whose development occurred more quickly at higher fields. The horizontal lobes were more pronounced at higher polymer concentration. Analysis of the SALS data with a simple model of scattering from anisotropic rods in an electric field is consistent with anisotropic rodlike domains on the order of in length, which align perpendicular to the electric field. The anisotropic domains in the gel reach almost the same level of orientation, regardless of the field strength. Microscope imaging revealed anisotropic domains on the same length scale, also aligned perpendicular to the field. Profiles of variation across the gel, measured by video photography …