作者: Fiacro Jiménez-Ponce , José D Carrillo-Ruiz , Arturo Gómez-Jiménez , Elizabeth Ogando-Rivas , Cinar Balduin-Ayar



摘要: Hydrocephalus is one of the most frequent and relevant neurosurgical disorders in both adult and pediatric patients. In the pediatric population, hydrocephalus ranks as the third leading cause of admission to the Neurosurgery Department at the National Institute of Pediatrics in Mexico 1. Similarly, at the General Hospital of Mexico, congenital hydrocephalus has been one of the leading causes of birth abnormalities 2. In most cases of pediatric hydrocephalus, there is a moderate to significant accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). However, in certain cases, there is a massive accumulation of CSF 3-6. The compression exerted by the excessive amount of CSF on the brain parenchyma can severely affect brain development. In fact, a greater amount of CSF is expected to have a more severe impact on neuronal tissue, sometimes leading to the absence of cortical tissue in extensive areas 3, 7.
