Sustainability transitions in the developing world: Challenges of socio-technical transformations unfolding in contexts of poverty

作者: Mónica Ramos-Mejía , Maria-Laura Franco-Garcia , Juan M Jauregui-Becker



摘要: The transitions to sustainability approach has proved to be useful for academics, policy makers and practitioners to understand and promote socio-technical transformations, often aiming at climate change alternatives in European countries. However, little attention has been paid to the limitations of using frameworks such as the Multi-level perspective and the Strategic Niche Management approach in the developing world. Here, countries exhibit a mixture of well- and ill-functioning institutions, in a context of market imperfection, clientelist and social exclusive communities, patriarchal households and patrimonial and/or marketised states. In order to explore such limitations, we have used an institutional framework documented in the development studies literature, which describes three types of institutional settings: ‘welfare’, ‘informal security’ and ‘insecurity’. This institutional analysis shows that (1) the context for …
