Response by Wollert to Letter Regarding Article,“Myeloid-Derived Growth Factor Protects Against Pressure Overload-Induced Heart Failure”

作者: Kai C Wollert



摘要: We thank Drs Feng and Nie for their interest in our work. In our study, we identified monocytes and macrophages accumulating in the myocardium as the main source of MYDGF (myeloid-derived growth factor) in the pressure-overloaded murine heart. 1 We have not examined whether monocytes and macrophages express different amounts of MYDGF, on a per-cell basis, in the pressure-overloaded versus healthy heart. Whereas other cell types also expressed MYDGF (Figure 1C–1E of our original article), 1 our loss-of-function studies showed that inflammatory cell–derived MYDGF protects against pressure overload–induced heart failure. As indicated in the figure legend, the bottom micrograph in Figure 1E of our original article was from a Mydgf knockout mouse and was presented to confirm the specificity of the MYDGF antibody used for immunostaining. 1 We have not examined whether MYDGF affects …
