La sottodeterminazione nei testi giuridici: verso un'analisi linguistico-computazionale

作者: Luisa Revelli , Antonio Mastropaolo , RADICIONI Daniele Paolo



摘要: This contribution introduces a theoretical-methodological paradigm framed in an interdisciplinaryresearch project at the intersection among law, linguistics and natural languageprocessing, focused on the legislative and regulatory production of Valle D’Aosta Region, asa limited though autonomous body of rules. Main target of the project is the notion of underdetermination, that is the property of juridicalutterances to allow language to convey different, alternative interpretations. The experimentalmethods employed for the field survey are illustrated, along with the applicationsof digital humanities used to devise a descriptive model of phenomenology and linguisticrealities of underdetermination. The final aim of the project is to describe and to track underdetermination in the manydifferent forms it takes in the wide range of the different text typologies encompassed in thejuridical field.
