作者: Maia T Hare , Matthew E Carter , Steven J Swoap
摘要: Mus musculus enters a torpid state in response to caloric restriction in sub-thermoneutral ambient temperatures. This torpid state is characterized by an adaptive and controlled decrease in metabolic rate, heart rate, body temperature, and activity. Previous research has identified the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) within the hypothalamus, a region containing oxytocin neurons, as a location that is active during torpor onset. We hypothesized that oxytocin neurons within the PVN are part of this neural circuit and that activation of oxytocin neurons would deepen and lengthen torpor bouts. We report that activation of oxytocin neurons alone is not sufficient to induce a torpor-like state in the fed mouse, with no significant difference in body temperature or heart rate upon activation of oxytocin neurons. However, we found that activation of oxytocin neurons prior to the onset of daily torpor both deepens and lengthens the …