Timing of food intake in mice unmasks a role for the cardiomyocyte circadian clock mechanism in limiting QT-interval prolongation

作者: Elizabeth A Schroder , Don E Burgess , Sidney R Johnson , Makoto Ono , Tanya Seward



摘要: Cardiac electrophysiological studies demonstrate that restricting the feeding of mice to the light cycle (time restricted feeding or TRF) causes a pronounced change in heart rate and ventricular repolarization as measured by the RR- and QT-interval, respectively. TRF slows heart rate and shifts the peak (acrophase) of the day/night rhythms in the RR- and QT-intervals from the light to the dark cycle. This study tested the hypothesis that these changes in cardiac electrophysiology are driven by the cardiomyocyte circadian clock mechanism. We determined the impact that TRF had on RR- and QT-intervals in control mice or mice that had the cardiomyocyte circadian clock mechanism disrupted by inducing the deletion of Bmal1 in adult cardiomyocytes (iCSΔBmal1−/− mice). In control and iCSΔBmal1−/− mice, TRF increased the RR-intervals measured during the dark cycle and shifted the acrophase of the day/night …
