Isolations and Characterization of the Genus Streptomyces as a Soil Actinomycetes from Jordan Valley

作者: Ismail Mohammed-Khair Saadoun



摘要: During the period between April/1985 and March/1986 a microbial survey for the total bacteria, fungi and the genus Streptomyces was completed on seven studied fields of three governmental nurseries in Jordan Walley, The highest and lowest total count of ll lll populations for most of the studied culti vated and non-cultivate fie| d5 was in Spring and Autumn, respectively. The el lkk count during Spring was significantly different tttS 0, 05 from the rest of the period of the study for most of ll lllkk and non-culti yated fields. It was al So siniriantyrferent at P< 0.05 between i cultivated and non-cultivated fields during the same period. The survey showed a gradual increase in the percentage of the fungi and the genus streptoryces where both reached the highest value in Autumn. The percentage of the gg in cultivated soils during Spring and Autumn ya ried from ttttt 2, 10, respectively, whereas in non-cultivated soils from os to …
