作者: Ismail Saadoun
摘要: Foods, microorganisms, and humans are interestingly associated with each other that historically evolved into transformation of raw food material into different food products, degradation of food quality leading to food spoilage, and causing animal and human illness. Studying the interaction of microorganisms with food is known as food microbiology which includes microorganisms causing food poisoning, food spoilage, preservation of food, in addition to the growth characteristics and pathogenesis of microorganisms in food processing [1].Because foods are nutrient-rich that provide a rich nutrient source with physiochemical parameters, like pH and water activity, they are excellent environments for microorganisms, and thus they have a profound impact on food, leading to products with an inadequate shape or appearance and becoming either undesirable or unacceptable for human consumption [2]. It has been estimated that about 25% of all foods produced globally are lost due to microbial spoilage [3]. However, the exploitation of the metabolic machinery of microbes in a positive way as applications to make new fermented product, is a rapidly expanding field of food industry and business activity that worth billions of dollars in different countries around the world.