Exogenous Silicon and Salicylic Acid Applications Enhance Growth, Yield, and Physiological Traits of Cotton Plants under Drought Stress

作者: Khalequzzaman , Hayat Ullah , Sushil Kumar Himanshu , Pedro García‐Caparrós , Patchara Praseartkul



摘要: Drought stress has become a highly detrimental environmental factor that poses significant threats to sustainable cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production necessitating the implementation of appropriate measures to mitigate the adverse impacts of drought stress in the cotton production system. Silicon (Si) and salicylic acid (SA) applications can benefit cotton yield under environmental stress conditions, including drought. The objective of this study was to evaluate how the individual and combined applications of Si and SA influence growth, yield, and physiological responses of cotton plants subjected to drought stress. A polyhouse experiment, arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications, comprising six Si and SA treatments (control, 60 kg ha–1 Si applied as a soil drench, 1 mM Si applied as a seed priming material, 1 mM SA applied as a foliar spray, 60 kg ha–1 Si applied as a soil drench …
