摘要: 正 14: 00 Characterization of early events during infection of TN368 cells with AcMNPV lacking p35 Bart Bryant and Rollie J. Clem (Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Program, Division of Biology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506 USA) In addition to its well known role in inhibiting apoptosis, the AcMNPV p35 gene is also required for melting of infected larvae. This includes Trichoplusia ni larvae, where apoptosis is not thought to occur following infection with p35 mutant AcMNPV. Since larval liquefaction has been shown to be dependent on expression of the AcMNPV chitinase and cathepsin genes, we initially hypothesized that AcMNPV lacking p35 may not express these genes as efficiently as wild type. However, infection of