作者: Marwene Toumi , István Máthé , Ádám Tóth , Nóra Sztráda , Rózsa Farkas
摘要: In the present study, water samples from 8 sites known as: Taploca, Nagy-borvíz, Piricske (located in Romania) and Szent Jakab, Kiskút, Kossuth Lajos, Polányi kút and Berzsenyi (located in Balaton highland in Hungary) and characterized with low nutrient content, were studied using cultivation independent methods. Diversity indices and cell counts were determined to assess the species richness in relation to the cell counts within the samples. Next generation sequencing was used to reveal the existing microbial community, and taxon specific PCR was used to detect the presence of some species with hygienic. 18 bacterial phyla above a ratio of 2% were identified in addition to 13 archaeal phyla using amplicon sequencing.