作者: Mam Choudhury , E Marcheggiani , A Galli , M Balestra , S Chiappini
摘要: The severe intensification of atmospheric carbon recognizes the importance of urban tree contributions, considering a sustainable urban green planning and management system. Explicit and timely information on urban tree dendrometry and its roles in Above Ground Biomass (AGB) estimation is essential for policymakers to take immediate action to recover deforestation's effects and worsening outcomes. This study will help prospective researchers with a non-destructive AGB estimation for the dominant tree species in the cities based on remote sensing (RS) data sources. In this study, a detailed methodology on the urban tree AGB calibration was done for two urban areas, one of which was in Sassuolo (MO), a smaller city in Italy [1]. The other one was conducted in the capital region of Belgium (Brussels). In Sassuolo, AGB estimation was done utilizing the WV3 image data for a smaller study area of 22 plots (10m×10m each) where the 7 plots were utilized to validate the results. Later, the approach was performed in Brussels with the WV3 image data for a more extensive study area of 75 plots (10m×10m each), where 20 plots were utilized to validate the outcomes [2]. The field estimations of each plot were done utilizing an allometric model based on the field data on tree dendrometry i.e., Height (H) and Diameter at Breast Height (DBH). The results were evident for both cities that approved the approach as an efficient and convenient way of AGB computation. This study will undoubtedly assist city planners in understanding and deciding the applicability of remote sensing data sources based on their availability and the level of expediency …