作者: S Janhaell , Y Andersson-Skoeld
摘要: Some solvents, suggested to be used instead of chlorinated solvents, were studied concerning impact on the tropospheric ozone concentrations. The solvents studied are four lactates and four paraffins; methyl lactate, ethyl lactate, isopropyl lactate and ethyl hexyl lactate, nonane, decane, undecane and dodecane. A Lagrangian model was used to simulate the changes in tropospheric ozone when solvents in the model were changed from the ones used today to the eight different substitutes. The POCP, or Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential, of the new solvents was calculated in nine different environments. The report also includes some sensitivity studies of the model in use. The results show that the lactates have lower POCPs than the paraffins. When all solvents were changed to paraffins the ozone concentration increased, but when lactates were used it decreased. The differences from the'today-situation …