Patterning of Monolithic Integrated Circuit using Electron Beam Lithography

作者: Raudah Abu Bakar , Harnani Hassan , Sukreen Hana Herman



摘要: This paper presents the technique and procedures of fabricating micro sized monolithic integrated circuit (MIC) using electron beam lithography (EBL). In order to realize a small circuit sizes device by EBL, several steps need to be carried out. These include sample cleaning, resist coating, pattern generation, initial beam focus and stigmation correction, sample calibration, write-field calibration, re-correction of beam focus and stigmation condition, pattern exposure and development process. It was found that a narrow transmission line of width can be obtained by EBL process using the following exposure parameters; 20 keV acceleration voltage, 0.15 nA beam current and 150 m As/cm exposure dosage with a dose factor of three and write field magnification of .
