作者: I Bachtiar
摘要: Coral reef destruction widespread gradually all over Indonesian waters. while available technologies in coral reef rehabilitation is impractical and very expensive. The present study is aimed to develop a new practical and inexpensive technology in coral reef rehabilitation. The technology that will be developed is to promote natural recruitment of scleractinian corals and to minimize post-settlement mortality by providing small concrete blocks. The study was carried out in a marine tourism park (TWAL) Gili Indah consisting of three small islands: Gili Air, Gili Meno and Gill Trawangan, in the Regency of Lombok Barat. Results of this study show that introducing small concrete blocks (30xl5x20 cm', LW H) can increase the abundance of coral recruits after 16 months period. The abundance of recruits in Gili Meno is lower than those in Gill Air, beside the fact that Gill Meno has higher coral cover and lower rate of sedimentation. Interaction effects between treatment and island is not significant, neither are between treatment and depth, between depth and island, and among treatment, depth and island. The results suggest that introduction of small concrete blocks can be used to promote coral reef recovery. Recruits of Acroporidae dominated the taxes of recruitment, followed by Pocilloporidae and Poritidae.