摘要: 《 借东西的小人漂流记》 Pod, Homily, and Arrietty Clock's huge adventures have been thrilling children young and old for fifty years--and their appeal is as strong as ever in these handsome new paperback packages. While the original beloved interior illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush have been retained, Marla Frazee's striking cover illustrations capture these little people with a larger-than-life appeal. 波德一家在斯皮勒的带领下成功脱险, 来到小男孩汤姆的住处, 与生活在墙里的亨德瑞利舅舅一家会合. 但不久, 汤姆和爷爷就离开了这里, 没有人迹的地方不可能支持两家小人的生活, 所以波德不得不又带领家人走上流浪之旅, 寻找新的家园. 他们从地下管道出走, 来到小河边的水壶中安顿下来, 但一场突来的大雨将水壶冲到了河水中, 小人开始了一场水上漂流冒险, 他们最终能找到新家吗?