作者: Tetiana PROTSIUK , Ruslan SKRYNKOVSKYY , None
摘要: Raising awareness of current trends plays an important role in training law enforcement agencies in the area of money laundering. The Egmont Group, which combines the Financial Intelligence Units of the world, systematically conducts training to deepen its knowledge of money laundering and to facilitate the work of law enforcement agencies in detecting offences. A topical issue today has been the identification of professional money laundering facilitators. The first attempt to clarify this phenomenon was made by the FATF in its report on professional money laundering [1]. On this basis, the Egmont Group developed its key trends in professional money laundering facilitators. Who are the professional money laundering facilitators and what threat do they have to society?Professional money laundering (PML) is a subset of third-party money laundering (ML). The main characteristic that makes PML unique is the provision of ML services in exchange for a commission, fee or other types of profit. PMLs can belong to three categories: individuals, organisations or networks [2]. An individual PML possesses specialised skills or expertise in placing, moving and laundering funds. They specialise in the provision of ML services, which can also be performed while acting in a legitimate, professional occupation. These services can include but are not limited to, the following: accounting services, financial or legal advice, and the formation of companies and legal arrangements (see specialised services, below).