SOFC system using partial anode offgas recycle for fuel reforming; SOFC-Brennstoffzelle mit partieller Anodenabgas-Rueckfuehrung zur Reformierung

作者: RU Dietrich , J Oelze , A Lindermeir , O Carlowitz , C Spitta



摘要: A new SOFC-system concept is proposed, combining fuel reforming and SOFC-stack in an integrative approach. Recycled steam and carbon dioxide of the SOFC anode are employed for the reforming of propane fuel, thus increasing the overall system efficiency. In addition, offgas heat can be directly used internally for further system improvements. This concept is suited for a wide range of possible applications, hydrocarbon fuels and power classes. For the proof-of-concept, the project partners CUTEC, ZBT, IEE and IWBT work in close collaboration, funded by the federal ministry of economics and technology (BMWi). The team works simultaneously on different work packages to face the main engineering challenges and handle the control- and simulation-tasks. The presentation demonstrates the main advantages of the new concept, the engineering approach and intermediate results. (orig.)
