Dynamics of Empathic Reaction for Pain. The Effect of Sensory Processing Sensitivity and Pain Intensity-EMG Study

作者: Kamila Jankowiak-Siuda , Mateusz Szpak , Agata Ucińska , Anna Duszyk-Bogorodzka , Krystyna Rymarczyk



摘要: Background: Characteristics of empathic response to pain may change depending on several factors related to the empathizing person, the person who is the object of empathy, and the situational context. Sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is defined as the sensitivity and strength of response to stimuli and the depth of cognitive processing of stimuli. It is suggested that 15-20% of the population is characterized by high SPS to any type of stimuli, coming from both external and internal environments. They are considered high sensitive person (HSP). To date, very little is known about how SPS can influence the empathic response for pain. Two muscles, corrugator supercilli (CS) and orbiculator oculli OO), may have special significance for the processing of empathy with pain. Positive correlations between the activity of the CS and OO muscles with scales measuring empathy were reported. The aim of the present …
