Micromechanical failure modelling of composite materials using HFGMC

作者: Darko Ivančević , Ivica Smojver



摘要: In order to improve the failure analysis of complex composite structures, a twoscale damage prediction procedure has been developed. The methodology is based on the High Fidelity Generalized Method of Cells (HFGMC) model which belongs to a group of computationally efficient semi-analytical micromechanical models. The methodology has been developed with the aim of modelling high velocity impact damage on aeronautical structures using Abaqus/Explicit to perform computations at the structural level. The link between the finite element macro-level analysis and the micromechanical model has been achieved with the user material subroutine VUMAT, which for each material point performs micromechanical calculations based on the applied macroscopic strain given by the FE analysis. As a result, failure processes of complex composite structures have been modelled using micromechanical principles. Several constituent based failure initiation criteria have been implemented in the methodology. A complex multiaxial damage model has been included in the calculations. The results of the micromechanical damage model agree well with ply-based calculation of the Puck failure model. The procedure has been tested on a numerical example in which a soft-body impactor impacts a GFRP plate.
