Finite element method for transport applications

作者: Aleksander Sładkowski , None



摘要: Traffic safety, trouble-free operation and life-time of wheel pair of rolling stock and railroad freight cars depends notably on the quality of axle and wheels assembly, its durability and load capability. Loaded pressure coupling and interference are widely used in railway transport.A great quantity of domestic and foreign research investigations are directed to the studies of these assemblies, showing the various ways of assembly load capability increasing [1-6]. However so far the multi-axially and loading variable character and interaction of elements assembly make it impossible to design and forecast the qualitative and force values of connections element interaction, which assures reliability of its functioning. Interaction complexity confirmed by instable assembly process of wheel pair wherein the percentage of defective can come up to 25-30%[7] in conformity of manufacturers information. Even in the case of assembly quality guarantee confirmed by nice, regular diagram according to technical specifications, when using the wheel pair there are hub's displacement or loosening and fatigue cracks of wheel seat.
