Community solar marketing

作者: Alexander Stauch



摘要: Climate change is one of the most pressing societal and environmental long-term challenges that humanity is facing. The negative consequences of climate change, such as rising sea level, air pollution, an increasing number of droughts and extreme weather events, and a loss of biodiversity (Ciscar et al., 2011; Lavaniegos, 2018), as well as indirect negative consequences such as an increase in health-related issues resulting from air pollution and an increase in temperature, along with agricultural problems stemming from a change in climate zones (Dellink et al., 2019; Kellogg, 2019) are already becoming visible around the globe, and will become even more pronounced in the coming years if our behavior and our global economic system do not change fundamentally (Jacobson et al, 2017; Peters et al., 2020).In order to prevent these negative consequences from ocurring, political leaders of nearly all countries in the world agreed in 2015 at the Paris Climate Conference to attempt to limit global warming by a maximum of two degrees Celsius by 2050 (Spash, 2016). The Paris climate agreement showed that nations and governments have understood that climate change is a global problem, leading to an international and collective consensus to act against the negative consequences. In order to maintain state sovereignty, however, all countries can decide for themselves and on their own responsibility what measures they want to take to reduce their greenhouse gases in order to meet the two-degree target. Since 86% of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are a result of burning fossil energy sources, such as oil, gas, and coal …
