Tensions, Strains and Patterns of Concentration in England's City-Regions

作者: Steven Henderson



摘要: Underpinning the European Spatial Development Perspective’s (ESDP) vision of competitive city-regions is more effective integration of cities with their hinterlands (Commission of the European Communities, 1999). Rather than conceiving of hinterland areas in a somewhat unidimensional fashion, as a land bank, the ESDP calls for more extensive rural-urban integration and co-operation. Thus, with agricultural markets and the rural economy experiencing fluctuating fortunes, the ESDP states that: ‘The future prospects of surrounding rural areas are also based on competitive towns and cities’ (Commission of the European Communities, 1999, p.22). Not only can stronger rural-urban links help create new markets, but opportunities may exist for off-farm employment and agricultural diversification (Ilbery, 1988). Simultaneously, an open and accessible countryside may encourage businesses to relocate into the wider …
