Des plantes endémiques dans les milieux prairiaux d'Europe

作者: C Hobohm Bruchmann , C HOBOHM



摘要: The European Union supports the principles laid down by the Convention on Biological Diversity and each member state has established a policy for the protection of biodiversity Protected species are included along with endemic species. The EvaplantE database has been draw up, listing allendemic plants in Europe based on 8 types of habitat (including grassland). The first results show) that half of the 6, 198 endemic vascular plant species identified in Europe are present in several member states, affecting preservation measures, ii) that France is home to 1,383 European endemic plant species and 93 indigenous species, iii) that grassland habitats are home to at least 1,336 endemic species. Faced with the rapid deterioration of grassland ecosystems, serious measures need to be taken on a European and National level to preserve species. a conservation de la diversité biologique est l'un des plus grands défis …
