作者: José Gustavo Abreu , Rafael Ferreira Langella , Norberto Olmiro Horn Filho , Lauro Júlio Calliari , Rodrigo Sant'Ana
摘要: The inner continental shelf adjacent to the island of Santa Catarina, in the coast of the state of Santa Catarina, in the southern region of Brazil, was studied with the aim of analyzing the occurrence of heavy mineral placers in surface sediments. For this, 100 sampleswerecollectedbetween15and50mdeepusingaVanVeensampler, whichwere analyzed for granulometry with mesh screens between 0.180-0.090 mm and gravimetric separation using bromoform. The minerals were identified using a binocular magnifying glassandtherelativepercentagesofeachspeciesofheavymineralwerecalculated. Some samples were selected to be submitted to the Frantz isodynamic separator in order to parameterize the mineralogical analysis of the entire sample set. A multivariate analysis (vectorQ-Rmode)wasappliedtoidentifypossiblerelationshipsbetweentheoccurrence of minerals with the variable depth and distance from the …