作者: Donatella Cesaroni , Valerio Sbordoni
摘要: Wç report a scries of invesligali'onç cíirned out on a Dvi'tchnpoda population recently discovered in th-ü Poscola cave and in some small caves, nearby (Lessi ni Mou niai ns4 Уиятя). Tlii& population is located norrli oí Po ri^ cr. uutside the present known geagra. ph. le range of this genus in Italy. Morphology of the epipliallua corroborated by chromosome and allozymc analysis indicateti thai this population belongs ta D. laatiiae. Study of Hie genetic Structure of population in the Postola area revealed liigh gene flow levels between Pascola ала the other minor caves, suggesting die occurrence of; l single expanding population. This finding its well as mark-recapture data on populaiioti size, migrations.. ag. c structure antl habitat type strongly suggest that (be Postola papulation is ibe result of w recent colonization dje to am hropocorc d ispcrsal.