Access point for providing WLAN virtualization, WLAN virtualization system and method of providing access to wireless communication network

作者: Hee Jin Lee , Yong Hyu Kim , Seong Il Hahm , Chong Kwon Kim



摘要: The present invention relates to a WLAN virtualization sys tem which is capable of efficiently separating a Basic Service (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Set (BSS) into a plurality of virtual BSSs in a Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) manner. The WLAN virtualization sys Jul. 15, 2009 (KR)........................ 10-2009-OO64530 tem includes an Access Point (AP) for providing a plurality of (51) Int. Cl. VBSSs, and a plurality of stations corresponding to the VBSSs H0474/00(2009.01) provided by the AP. Each of the VBSSs is operated on a (52) US Cl. Superframe basis, the Superframe being scheduled by a bea
