Large-Eddy Simulation of Transition to Turbulence using the Two-Level Simulation Approach

作者: Reetesh Ranjan



摘要: View Video Presentation: the present study, the two-level simulation (TLS) model, a multi-scale modeling strategy, is assessed for its capabilities for large-eddy simulation (LES) of transition to turbulence in the Taylor-Green vortex (TGV) flow. The TLS model was originally developed for high Reynolds number () fully developed turbulent flows, and later was extended in form of the hybrid TLS-LES strategy for efficient computation of such flows by additively blending the TLS model with a conventional LES strategy. Compared to the conventional algebraic and transport equation based subgrid-scale closures (SGS) for LES, where the effects of the unresolved small-scales (SS) of motion on the resolved large-scales (LS) of motion are modeled, in the TLS model, both large- and small-scales are explicitly evolved in a coupled manner. In this study, the capabilities of the TLS …
