作者: Savvas Iezekiel , Dimitris E Bakaloudis , Christos G Vlachos
摘要: Two species of vulture-Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus and Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvu) used to breed in Cyprus. The Cinereous Vulture was a common resident, but was extirpated from island by the end of 1960s. The Griffon Vulture was abundant throughout the island and aggregated in large colonies on isolated sea cliffs and rocky areas in the Troodos and Pentadactylos mountain ranges. However, in recent decades the Griffon population has shown a massive decline as a result of various factors including poisoning, food shortage, human persecution, premature fledging and disturbances close to their breeding colonies. The extant population of 40-45 Griffon Vultures (8 breeding pairs) is now considered to be critically endangered, and a conservation project was initiated by the Cyprus Forestry Department in 1993. This paper presents information on Griffon population trends and reproductive success in Cyprus, and discusses conservation measures (eg feeding station establishment, legislation, etc.).