作者: Wenjia Zhang , Yulin Wu , Guobang Deng
摘要: Although an increasing number of studies have investigated the lag time between the outbreak of COVID-19 and behavior change, few have accurately measured response times to the epidemic at the individual scale as well as their social and spatial heterogeneities. Using a large-scale, long time series dataset of individual-level mobile phone trajectories from Shenzhen, China, we compared six changepoint detection (CPD) algorithms in terms of their performance in detecting true changepoints (CPs) in time series data of individuals’ daily travel distances. We found that the kernel-based CPD method outperformed other algorithms. We thus adopted this method to calculate Shenzhen residents’ mobility response times to the outbreak of COVID-19 and further used an accelerated failure time (AFT) model to explore factors affecting response times. The results suggest that the average and median mobility response …