The Dominant Functional Nicotinic Receptor in Progenitor Cells in the 8

作者: Geeta Sharma



摘要: Addition of newly generated neurons into mature neural circuits in the adult CNS 32 responds to changes in neurotransmitter levels and is tightly coupled to the activity of specific 33 brain regions. This postnatal neurogenesis contributes to plasticity of the olfactory bulb and 34 hippocampus and is thought to play a role in learning and memory, context and odor 35 discrimination, as well as perceptual learning. While acetylcholine plays an important role in 36 odor discrimination and perceptual learning, its role in adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb 37 has not been elucidated. In this study, I have examined the functional expression of nAChRs in 38 progenitor cells of the rostral migratory stream (RMS) in the adult olfactory bulb of mice. I show 39 that most of these cells in the RMS exhibit large nAChR-mediated calcium transients upon 40 application of acetylcholine (ACh). Unlike in the hippocampus, the …
