Management of Seed Corn Maggot for Organic Snap Bean Production

作者: Michell E Sass , Russell L Groves , James Nienhuis



摘要: Organic s nap bean pr oduction f or pr ocessing currently m eets onl yo ne-third of c urrent demand. In spite of price incentives, it is difficult for processors to contract sufficient acres to meet demand due to the higher risk associated with plant disease and insect pests in large-scale organic production.Currently, most organic vegetable producers tend to be small entrepreneurs who spread the risk of disease, pests, weeds, and weather patterns among many different crops and cultivars. The crops a re i ntensively managed on small plots. I n contrast, large-scale pr oduction of pr ocessing vegetables cannot spread risk among crops; it is a contractual agreement with a grower, often for a specified cultivar to be harvested and delivered on a specific date. Irrigation, fertilizer, and pesticides have, in conventional agriculture, been applied when necessary to reduce risk to the grower on a large acreage monoculture. To …
