作者: Kenneth M Ehrenberg



摘要: In'(Really) Defending Exclusionary Reasons', Monti seeks to defend Exclusionary reasons; Joseph Raz'notion of exclusionary reasons from the attack made by Daniel Raz; practical authority Whiting. Monti agrees with Whiting that exclusionary reasons cannot motivate and so suggests that they operate by guiding rather than motivating. However, Monti's account of guiding omits the key feature that they can guide even when one's action is the opposite to what the exclusionary reason seems to recommend. An amended account of what it is to be guided by exclusionary reasons is needed to give the Razian account the explanatory power it is due.In his paper'(Really) Defending Exclusionary Reasons', Ezequiel Monti sets out to defend Raz'account of exclusionary reasons from the attack made by Daniel Whiting. 1 For half of the paper, as Monti himself admits, he is explaining and offering further support for Whiting's …
