作者: Zhenrui Liao , Kevin C Gonzalez , Deborah M Li , Catalina M Yang , Donald Holder
摘要: Fast electrical signaling in dendrites is central to neural computations that support adaptive behaviors. Conventional techniques lack temporal and spatial resolution and the ability to track underlying membrane potential dynamics present across the complex three-dimensional dendritic arbor in vivo. Here, we perform fast two-photon imaging of dendritic and somatic membrane potential dynamics in single pyramidal cells in the CA1 region of the mouse hippocampus during awake behavior. We study the dynamics of subthreshold membrane potential and suprathreshold dendritic events throughout the dendritic arbor in vivo by combining voltage imaging with simultaneous local field potential recording, post hoc morphological reconstruction, and a spatial navigation task. We systematically quantify the modulation of local event rates by locomotion in distinct dendritic regions, report an advancing gradient of dendritic …