Stress Fracture of the Pubic Ramus in Female Long Distance Runner: Case Report

作者: Metin ERGÜN , Seçkin ŞENIŞIK



摘要: Stress fractures are overuse injuries of the bone caused by continuous repetitive submaximal stress over time. They constitute 07--20% of all sports injuries and are mainly seen in tibia, metatarsal bones and fibula. Pelvic stress fractures are rare (1--2%) and mostly seen in female long distance runners. Common complaints are groin, hip and thigh pain increasing with weight bearing activities. 41 years old recreational female runner was admitted to the clinic with chronic groin pain lasting for about eight months. She was performing running training on hard surfaces at high intensity for long time and firstly she was admitted to the Orthopaedic and Traumatology clinic with groin pain. MR images have shown non-displaced fracture of the right ischium. There has been no relief with medication and rest, then the athlete was admitted to another clinic. X--ray and bone scintigraphy confirmed fracture line at the right …
