Efficient Design of the Hydrogen Liquefaction System: Thermodynamic, Economic, Environmental, and Uncertainty Perspectives

作者: Bahram Ghorbani , Sohrab Zendehboudi , Zahra Alizadeh Afrouzi , Ali Lohi , Faisal Khan



摘要: Hydrogen (H2) liquefaction is one of the most promising approaches for storing and transporting clean energy on a large scale for long periods. However, this strategy faces the challenges of high energy consumption, relatively low exergy efficiency, substantial economic costs, boil-off gas losses, and limited knowledge of its environmental perspectives. A robust systematic framework is introduced by integrating thermodynamic, machine learning (ML), and multiobjective optimization (MOO) approaches to optimize the operational variables of the H2 liquefaction process. The H2 liquefaction process includes a mixed refrigerant precooling unit and a Joule-Brayton cryogenic cascade cycle. The combination of the pinch analysis approach and enumerative algorithms is used in the initial optimization phase as a nonlinear method to determine the operational variables of the precooling and liquefaction systems. The …
