Advances in obstructive sleep apnea treatment: Development of an auto-adjusting mandibular repositioning device for in-home use

作者: Rita Brugarolas



摘要: American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine-sleep apnea treatment Editor’s note: During the 2015 annual meeting of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, dentists gathered from across the world to review and present clinical research in the field of dental sleep medicine. This year, like last, DentistryIQ is pleased to share blog posts from some of the AADSM Clinical Research Award winners, including students, which detail the noteworthy findings about their new research. Here, Rita Brugarolas talks about an auto-adjusting mandibular repositioning device for at-home use in sleep apnea treatment, which was developed to address the previous limitations of these devices due to repeated adjustments and lack of objective means to assess patients’ nightly use of MADs.Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a form of respiratory dysfunction that affects 20% of the population worldwide.(1) If untreated, the …
