A Comparative Study of the Influence of Different Wake Models on Wind Farm Layout Optimization

作者: Puyi Yang , Hamidreza Najafi



摘要: The accuracy of analytical wake models applied in wind farm layout optimization (WFLO) problems plays a vital role in the present era that the high-fidelity methods such as LES and RANS are still not able to handle an optimization problem for large wind farms. Based on a verity of analytical wake models developed in the past decades, FLOw Redirection and Induction in Steady State (FLORIS) has been published as a tool integrated several widely used wake models and the expansions for them. This paper compares four wake models selected from FLORIS by applying three classical WFLO scenarios. The results illustrate that the Jensen wake model is the fastest one but the defect of underestimation of velocity deficit is obvious. The Multi Zone model needs to be applied additional tunning on the parameters inside the model to fit specific wind turbines. The Gaussian-Curl wake model as an advanced expansion …
