作者: Emily Darko , Kriti Nagrath , Zeenat Niaizi , Andrew Scott , D Varsha
摘要: The scale of urban expansion in India is and will continue to be enormous, driven by economic and population growth. The construction and use of buildings, driven by rapid urban expansion, is likely to impose tremendous pressures on the natural environment. Today’s infrastructure investments will play a critical role in determining future resource intensity and affect India’s ability to decouple resource consumption from economic growth. Urbanisation in India is less advanced than in many other countries, which presents an opportunity to avoid being locked into energy-and resource-intensive infrastructure. The promotion of green buildings, which has already begun in India, offers one way to achieve this.The German Institute for International Development (GIZ) in India commissioned a study from the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in collaboration with Development Alternatives in order to gain a better understanding of India’s construction sector and the incentives for private-sector investment in green buildings. The aim was to make policy recommendations to enhance the incentives for a stronger, private-sector-led ‘green’construction sector in India. The study would also draw on lessons from other countries about policies that foster green buildings.