摘要: In the context of climate change, this study evaluates the impact on 9 the long-shore and cross-shore sediment transport (LST and CST) along the 10 Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean Sea) derived from climate projections ob-11 tained from five combinations of regional and global circulation models (RCMs 12 and GCMs). Special emphasis is given to how inter-model variability trans-13 lates from wave projections to wave-driven coastal impacts, which is still poorly 14 known. Results show that the uncertainty is in general larger, especially for 15 LST, for which the discrepancies among regional models are more relevant 16 than those associated to the forcing wave parameters. Such increase in the 17 uncertainty can be explained by the nonlinear processes involved, and the role 18 of the forcing wave parameters having sometimes competing effects (eg wave 19 height vs. wave direction). This illustrates that the performance of each RCM-20 GCM can vary from forcing to impact parameters, hence, the suitability of a 21 particular RCM-GCM to evaluate a certain impact should be assessed based 22 on its ability to properly simulate such impact. In this regard, LST and CST 23 rates computed using empirical formulae that integrate several wave climate 24 parameters, as in this study, can be used as a non-computationally expen-25