作者: A Soltani , Z Rahmani , E Heidari-Semiromi
摘要: In this paper, scattering of the electromagnetic waves from a metal elliptical cylinder covered by a plasma layer is investigated by the Finite Element-Boundary Integral (FE-BI) method. The under study object that can be supposed as an elliptic complex antenna is located in a constant magnetic field. The inner cylinder can be rotated to plasma cover so that they are nonconfocal. Generally, elliptic antennas have azimuthal asymmetry and their response to electromagnetic waves is sensitive to incident angle of landing wave. This effect is more severe in under study antenna due to its geometrical configuration that depends on the rotating angle of the conducting core related to plasma cover. Furthermore, presence of constant magnetic field along the antenna axis causes permittivity tensor of the plasma as an influential factor in radar cross section, becomes anisotropic. Here, backscattering radar cross section (BRCS …