摘要: This checklist of the terrestrial Oligochaeta of Ontario was based on 480 collection sites from all the 53 counties, districts and regions in the province. In total, 21 species representing 11 genera and three families (Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) are reported from the province. Of these 21 species, two (Bimastos parvus and Sparganophilus eiseni) are considered native (endemic) to North America; the rest are European or Oriental exotic species. The most frequently collected species were: Aporrectodea tuberculata (274 sites), Ap. turgida (164 sites), Ap. rosea (143 sites), Lumbricus rubellus (139 sites), L. terrestris (134 sites), and Ap. trapezoides (101 sites). The remaining 16 species were collected from fewer than 64 sites each. The first records of Amynthas agrestis and Am. hilgendorfi in Canada are reported herein. Individual county sites include the ecoregion and a map location, as well as the species obtained, indicating the frequency and per cent of the total county collections.