作者: Hussein Valikhani , Milad Khosravi



摘要: After a decade, the efforts and persistence of the Iranian Fisheries Organization and Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute for introducing tilapia to the aquaculture industry paid off in Iran. Despite the contentions and resistance of the environmentalists, who believe that this introduction has destructive effects on the biodiversity and natural ecosystems as well as variant socio-economic impacts, the Iranian Department of Environment granted tilapia culture license for this species to be introduced to the aquaculture of five central provinces of the country in 2018. According to some characteristics of the species such as feeding on different food resources, high reproductive potential and high ability in resisting of environmental condition and diseases, if the species intentionally or accidentally finds the way into the natural inland water bodies from the aquaculture centers, could cause major impacts on the native species and ecosystems. Many experts agree that such unsustainable decisions reflect the structural weakness of the organization at the level of management and administrative structure. After years of running this organization by non-specialists, the improvement of the current situation is strongly felt.
