Optimization of the optical properties of circular lattice As2Se3 photonic crystal fibers over a wide range of wavelengths

作者: Hoang Trong Duc , Vu Dinh Long , Chu Van Lanh , Nguyen Thi Thuy



摘要: In this paper, the dispersion and nonlinear properties of circular lattice photonic crystal fibers with As2Se3 substratesareinvestigatedoverawidewavelengthrangeupto11 μm. BysolvingMaxwell's wave equations using the full-vector finite-difference eigenmode method, the optical properties of the PCFs have been analyzed in detail and compared with recent studies. All-normal and anomalous dispersions with small values, very high nonlinear coefficients, and very low confinement losses have been achieved in comparison with the previous publications. The characteristic quantitiesoftheproposedoptimalfiberswereobtainedatthepumpwavelengthof2. 35 μmincludingflat dispersion and as small as 1.069 ps/nm. km, non-linear coefficients as high as 62023.377 W− 1. km− 1, and confinement losses as low as 10− 21 dB/m, making them suitable for use in a broadband supercontinuum generation process with a low input power. These fibers are suitable low-cost all-fiber laser sources that effectively replace the current glass fibers.
